Median Household Income by City & Neighborhood

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If you're still looking for more information on household income in the US, read on below.


Average household income in the United States

Various agencies, including the US Census bureau, as well as the Bureau of Labor Statistics have tracked household income with a standardized rigor for over a century. Due to fundamental economic forces and such as inflation and an expansion of worker's rights in the 20th century, wages steadily increased throughout that century. The Census bureau concluded that between 1979 and 2011, median household income, adjusted for inflation rose 26.5%, up from $59,400 to $75,200.

The median household income in the US today is $71,688.64. This figure changes frequently and is impacted by major economic and world events such as the sub-prime mortgage crisis of 2008 or a multi-year pandemic. We update our household income data regularly so if you're a journalist or in academia be sure to check back often for current numbers.

How is household income calculated?

The US Census' method of calculating household income is the standard in reporting. Its number for HHI is the sum of the following from household members over the age of fifteen:

  • Salary, commissions, and wages including bonuses before taxes (including self-employment)
  • Dividends and interest received from stocks and banks
  • Profit from real estate and major sales (land, buildings, etc.)
  • Social security benefits and other social welfare incomes are included

These calculations do not account for a household's wealth or debt including real estate holdings or other assets. Depending on the location you're examining the difference between wealth and yearly income might be important to consider.

Demographics and household income

Several variables correlate closely with household income in the US. Education level and household income are very closely related, for example. Those with a bachelor's degree or higher earn significantly more over the course of their careers, as do high school graduates compared to high-school dropouts.

History also plays an important role in the distribution of household income in the US and the growth of income inequality cannot be fully understood without considering racial inequality. We've explored where racial segregation and income disparity align in Los Angeles and other cities and will continue to highlight these issues with real data.

You can view other demographic maps by clicking on one of the locations below and scrolling down to “All local stats.”

Where do people make the most money in the US?

When comparing median household income numbers between places it is also important to understand the demographics above. But furthermore, one must consider that every location in America has a slightly different economy. Rural places tend to have lower wages and lower prices while bigger metro areas have higher. In Montana, for example the median income is $58,615 where in New York state median incomes are more than 36% higher at $79,323. This doesn't necessarily mean that the standard of living in New York is 36% better because things cost more in an urban state like NY than in rural areas.

We chose to look at cities and towns with over 25,000 people. This helped to eliminate some of the small town outliers that would have made our list less interesting.
Explore household income numbers and compare to other locations across the US by clicking the links below or entering your location above.


Household income by state


Household income by city

Household Income by county


Household Income by neighborhood


Household Income by zip

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