Click if you were looking for 58477 cell phone providers and coverage instead.

58477, ND map of fixed wireless internet availability

Fixed Wireless Availability Key



The map above shows 58477 fixed wireless coverage and that of nearby places. Fixed Wireless internet, unlike most technologies, is often available only in rural areas. Large cities often do not need coverage, as the alternatives of cable and fiber are often superior and widely available. There are 0 fixed wireless internet providers that serve more than 1% of the population within 58477 proper, or the zip official boundaries. Alternative internet options to fixed wireless are listed below.


58477, ND Internet Options

Number of providers
Avg. Speed
Fiber TV & Internet
2.0 Mbps
Cable TV & Internet
0.00 Mbps
DSL Internet
0.00 Mbps
Fixed Wireless Internet
0.00 Mbps
Satellite TV & Internet
15 Mbps


Fixed Wireless Internet Speeds Close to 58477

58477 fixed wireless speeds aren't applicable as there are no providers, but the map below can be used to find nearby zip codes with fast fixed wireless service options.

58477, ND map of the fastest fixed wireless internet speeds

Fixed Wireless Internet Speed Key

1 Mbps
50 Mbps
1000 Mbps+


58477 Satellite TV & Internet Providers

Depending on what type of internet you decide to get, you always have satellite TV and internet options available. You could choose from one of the alternative providers in the 58477 and then set up satellite TV, which many customers are happy with.

DISH Satellite TV



Avg. Speed:

N/A: Call to bundle.


DIRECTV Satellite TV



Avg. Speed:


Not sure whether to choose Dish or DIRECTV? For most people most of the time we recommend DISH. But click here to learn more.


HughesNet Satellite Internet



Avg. Speed:

15 Mbps

(High latency)



If you're choosing an area based on fixed wireless coverage or speed, we've selected some nearby and similar zip codes.

Nearby Zip Codes

  • 58579, ND: more fixed wireless coverage, faster speeds
  • 58494, ND: more fixed wireless coverage, faster speeds
  • 58521, ND: equal fixed wireless coverage, similar speeds
  • 58463, ND: more fixed wireless coverage, faster speeds
  • 58559, ND: more fixed wireless coverage, faster speeds
  • 58488, ND: more fixed wireless coverage, faster speeds
  • 58430, ND: more fixed wireless coverage, faster speeds
  • 58577, ND: more fixed wireless coverage, faster speeds
  • 58503, ND: more fixed wireless coverage, faster speeds
  • 58444, ND: more fixed wireless coverage, faster speeds

Zip Codes with Similar Populations

  • 12450, NY: equal fixed wireless coverage, similar speeds
  • 21824, MD: more fixed wireless coverage, faster speeds
  • 22731, VA: more fixed wireless coverage, faster speeds
  • 30573, GA: equal fixed wireless coverage, similar speeds
  • 30912, GA: equal fixed wireless coverage, similar speeds
  • 47869, IN: equal fixed wireless coverage, similar speeds
  • 59002, MT: more fixed wireless coverage, faster speeds
  • 61857, IL: more fixed wireless coverage, faster speeds
  • 63560, MO: more fixed wireless coverage, faster speeds
  • 67733, KS: more fixed wireless coverage, faster speeds