The map below shows median household income in Panorama City by area. Areas in the top 1% of earnings are in purple, high-earning areas are in green, and low-earning areas are in red.

Panorama City, CA map (which includes Panorama City) of rich and poor neighborhoods by household income

Household Income Key

Top 1%


The median household income in Panorama City is $74,755. This means Panorama City income is higher than the median income in the United States, with neighborhood household incomes in the 65th percentile. Education is usually most correlated with income, and in Panorama City 21% of adults have bachelor’s degrees or higher versus 31% nationwide. 34% of neighborhoods might have higher incomes, and 64% of locations would have lower household income. Compared to nearby neighborhoods family and household incomes are higher. Median income ranges from a low of $21,434 to a high of $123,055 in some neighborhoods.

Higher income areas are typically found in the east parts of the neighborhood, and lower income areas are in the south areas.

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