The map below shows the political leanings of people in and around 10470. Darker red areas have almost entirely Republican voters, dark blue areas vote mostly for Democrats, and areas in lighter shades or in light purple are areas where the vote is usually split between parties.

Mount Vernon, NY map (which includes 10470) of Democratic vs. Republican areas

Politics Key

Very liberal
Split evenly
Very conservative


10470 tends to be very democratic based on voting results in recent elections. Compared to other nearby zip codes, 10470 has more democratic voters. Compared to the nation as a whole, 10470 leans more democratic.

Highly educated populations with bachelor’s degrees or higher tend to vote for more liberal candidates. In 10470, 31.43% of all adults have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. Educated women are far less likely to vote for conservatives, and in 10470 women make up 54.37% of the population.

Older Americans tend to vote more conservatively. Members of the Boomer and Silent generations (born 1928-1964) more often vote for republicans while GenX, Millennials (born 1965-1996) and younger generations consistently support democrats. The median age in 10470 is 41.5, which is older than the national median age of 38.1.

Is 10470 a political battleground? Across all types of political contests in 10470, including state, local and presidential elections, races come within five percentage points 0% of the time.

Note: Federal, local, and state elections are weighed based on the recency of the election and the importance most voters assign to each seat.

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