The map shows where residents in Fruit Cove and surrounding areas believe are the best places to live. Areas such as Magnolia Springs, FL and Sherwood Forest, FL are also shown. Top areas are in purple and green, with less-desired areas in red.

Fruit Cove, FL map of the best places to live by home value

Desireability Index

Top 1%
High Values
Average Values
Low Values


The most desired areas tend to be in the west parts of the city, while more affordable homes are in the south regions.

Median house prices in Fruit Cove, FL are $435,674, meaning Fruit Cove homes are more expensive than the US median of $376,286. We analyzed a significant sample of cities with similar populations like Haines City, FL and Carlsbad, NM, and found homes in Fruit Cove cost more.

Compared to Florida, Fruit Cove home prices are more expensive than the state's average of $320,679. These are the best neighborhoods as judged by the market: the places people most want to live. While these areas tend to have lower crime rates and higher quality of life, it is primarily a map of the best areas by median home value in Fruit Cove, FL.

In regards to housing disparity, the quality of neighborhood within Fruit Cove varies moderately.

Data Sources: U.S. Census, proprietary data mapping and analysis


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